Saturday, April 19, 2014

Day 40. Crawfish and Rice Country

Thursday April 17. Oberlin to Chicot State Park. 47 miles

Today was a different day. We had short mileage, frequently changed directions, no real curves still, just 90 degree directional turns. Sometimes going to a new road, sometimes just a 90 degree turn. It did give variety and confused the wind making device so that we weren't always facing the wind.

Also visited Two doughnut shops. Pretty good for a short day!

Gravity, as I mentioned, is no longer part of the day. This area is soooo flat. We had some minor rolling terrain thru yesterday, but that simply disappeared this morning. Just miles and miles of open fields, some cultivated, most in some stage of rice and/or crawfish (also spelled crayfish, I checked) production.

These fields were many and flooded. We had noticed several boat like vehicles moving about and finally found Juan as he prepared to take his "boat" out. Juan showed us that he is taking fish heads and pellets, putting them in cages, and taking them to places in the water as food for the crawfish. The vehicle Juan used was amphibious, with a paddle wheel type device that goes down to the ground to offer propulsion. Very interesting.

Another person told us that the fields will be flooded for rice, the rice harvested and the crawfish brought in afterwards. Thus a combination use of the land. Sounds logical, I don't know, but this guy also felt it was too dangerous to be out biking with all the crack heads out there across the land. Hope he knows more about rice and crawfish than crack head danger.

I was reminded of the WW1 veteran returning home and telling great stories of what he had seen.  Boats that would hold more people than lived in the whole town, (name of area withheld), eating snails in France and crawfish (lobsters really) bigger than your arm. One old man in the crowd turned to another and said of the vet's report, "don't you just hate a liar!"

Lots of pictures to show the process.

Camping in Chicot State Park tonight. The campground is filling up quickly with Easter approaching. Beautiful wooded area.

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