Monday, March 10, 2014

Blog Housekeeping: Day One

Monday. March 10

I am declaring this as Day One of the trip. It will easier to keep up with this way.

With full respect and appreciation for those many teachers that worked long and hard to teach what is good grammar, sentence structure, proper use of tense, etc and what "ain't", I apologize for the mistakes that will occur. I may or may not know better, bu given the time and conditions, it shall be as is. Sorry and full apologies in advance.

There are also contributing factors of auto check putting in words, changing things , etc.

Finally, I am technically confused at best and am learning the blogging thing as I go. So far it has allowed me one block that I can see for editing, but will allow me more writing which I haven't bee able to figure out access to for editing.

I did figure out putting on pictures, but am working on the captions as they seem to go to that unacceptable place on the blog.

Yesterday's pictures were fairly explanatory. Did want to mention that the dog pictured was Manny. Manny said it was Manny's Beach, not Dog Beach. I didn't argue the point.

Also included was a relief map, and relief is exactly what I will need, showing the escarpment that must be climbed in order to leave San Diego. We are only doing 39 miles today, so many straight out and so many straight up. I think the up miles ought to count as doubled.

Anyway, I will with herd two a void miss stakes on the blog. Thanks.

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