Saturday, March 15, 2014

Day Five: California here we go, all the way to New Mexico....

Friday. March 14. Blythe to Salome.

The day Beyond Hope.

Coming east, always a derivative of east, no west for sure, we soon crossed the Colorado River on I-10. You can ride bikes on the interstates in CA, had one fantastic 8 mile downhill on I-10.  There isn't an alternative in many places. It's nice, but loud. And constant. You aren't sad to say goodbye to these roads, hit really bad surfaces, but that didn't really happen today. Actually not much happened. We had three climbs, around 1000 ft each, a bit of a tailwind, nice and it was hot, surprise, surprise.


We also had a philosophical quandary, were we really beyond Hope. So Hope and Beyond Hope, grammar is yours to enjoy or not.

1 comment:

  1. "Go, Larry! Go, Larry!" (I'm one of the little cheerleaders riding along on your shoulder.) Stay safe! And have big fun. c., in Kannapolis
