Saturday, March 15, 2014

Day Three: The day I lost my cookies...

Wednesday March 12.   Boulevard to Brawley.

Camping story. An owl seemed to be settled in the tree above my tent.  Must have been a male. All night long going Who? Who? I just couldn't it out of my head that sitting next to him was his wife saying, "I told you she was remember her..."

You might have heard this from earlier blogging here...ride out, up hill.  Wind, in our face. We'll add this, BuMpY ArSe RoAdS!!!  Head south until you see this fence and "don't come ANY closer". You have found the border.

Then headed east thru part of the Huma desert. Terrain is really flat now, but road is still a challenge. Lunch at Plasterville, a lovely little town that makes sheet rock. Talk about bleak, stark, etc. then straight on to El Centro, no curves needed and north to Brawley. Camped in Brawley, nice town.

Was 75 miles, long day between the rough roads and wind, but a good day.

1 comment:

  1. your Iphone takes amazing pictures!! love them all!
